
Where have I been?

I have been busy enjoying the summer as I had informed you earlier... but in a huge faith in myself, my ability and my knowledge I finally decided to do something I had been thinking about for over a year.

I am running for city council here in my city of Toronto. Pretty crazy if you ask me... having a hard time taking in the scope of what this means. I am not a title kind of girl, but I wear mother proud even though I don't think I am the picture in the encyclopedia in which would best describe one. I am a wife, but also not a fitting title either.... but don't misconstrued my words. But my husband and I coexist in our relationship, I don't beckon to his needs, and he doesn't do for me... we just are together. Wife being part of the situation... but not what defines me!

But today, I had to come to terms with me being... oh God I have to say it, a Politician! I prepared my facebook campaign page and I had to provide a description and Politician was the only one that fit well into what I needed my page to describe.

But I don't know if I can begin to believe I am that person... I want to be a councilor, I want to defend the neighbourhood I grew up in, that I go to the gym, dinners, coffees, bars, walks, parks and pools. My favorite location in all of Toronto is in my ward..., how else could I do it all justice but to stand up for it and be more than just some person who wants to gain a political career.

So while I begin to go through the motions perhaps I will find it inside of me to be OK with this particular title... but it will be interesting to get there.

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