
A goulish of a good time!

Removed Angel Brick makes a good prop.
Halloween is a big deal in our house... Not so much because I love it but because it makes my husband so darn excited.

Our girls get to pick out their costumes early on in the season and my husband starts on the hunt of how to make our house as scary as possible. He gets so excited he becomes the bigger child in our house, and it's fun to watch him and the girls get excited about it all.

We never really celebrated Halloween in our household as a child, there were never crazy costumes made or decorations as my mom and dad didn't really make much ado about it all. My fondest memories of Halloween come from the awesome grade school teachers who let us have end of day parties where we decorated the classroom as much as our age group could and we danced and sang a lot of "C'est L'Hallowe'en" as we attended French school.

But we've amassed a nice collection of great Halloween shots from the front of our work in progress front porch. The front façade has had it's Angel brick removed, the porch completely remodeled and all that needs to be done is change the landscaping... but it has always left for a fun backdrop and made for a spookier back drop. ***please note the following pictures might be a little gruesome for some and don't keep looking if gore scares you***

Halloween 2009
Halloween 2010
Halloween 2011

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