
Working mom, struggles?

So I started a new job a few weeks ago!

Haven't been part of the working world for years, was dying to get back into the grind and apply myself and all of my talents to this great working world out there.

But who knew it would be far different than I had assumed for me and my little family; role reversal happened and my husband is at home with the girls far more than I am and well he's become Mr. Mom. I don't have any issues with that, actually I envisioned the day that this might actually be a reality... but I can't seem to balance. I get home so late... by the time we eat as a family and how late it is, my girls still aren't ready to sleep. Their days not as exhausting in the cold of winter, their time filled with large empty gaps and extra long naps recently, it's nearly MY bedtime and they are still up running circles around each other.

I am done, when I get to putting my eldest to bed, if I don't focus to stay awake I could find myself crashing and falling asleep beside her... which would be a nightmare as my alarm clock is in my actual bedroom.

I can't seem find to balance anything else with my time, no drinks with any friends, no workout with the elliptical machine that keeps me company in my family room and is seconds away from my couch... reality is I don't get a chance to make it on my couch to watch TV even; because I can't make it down the stairs from putting my daughter to bed.

I leave for work my girls still sleeping, I get home it's soon bedtime... how do you working mothers do it? Actually how do working father's do it? I feel contempt and guilt ridden, I feel like somehow there must be another way to work this out but I can't seem to be able to figure out what others might have mastered.

How do you cope?

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