
Ohhh Busy Bee week!!

I had a bit of a busy week last week... I have so much to share and feel real guilty about the facet that I haven't posted in over a week.

Posts to come this week (in no specific order):
  1. March of the Happiness Project, this is a work in process big time and so writing it out has been difficult, but it's coming.
  2. The Great 13, I have been with my Husband for over 13 years, good, bad and even Ugly, triumphant and tear-jerking fantastic.
  3. Gumball 3000... a little out of the ordinary post but a great outing I had a ton of fun on.
  4. plus some fun other stuff.......

I have been working out, I have been doing wedding planning stuff for a friends upcoming wedding and well I have been Mom! So Mother's Day came and went... didn't get spoiled if you are going to ask. But I was with my family and that was all that mattered!


1 comment

  1. You have been with your husband for 13 years? Wow!!! I have been with my husband for 12 years but married for almost four.

    I am looking forward to your upcoming posts.
